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China Nerin Participated in COPPER 2022, the 11th Copper International Conference, upon Invitation

In mid-November, COPPER 2022 was held in Santiago Chile in the presence of leaders, experts, technical personnel from governments, corporations and institutions across the world. Mr. Wang Wei, Chief Marketing and Operations Officer in Metallurgy and related personnel from South America Branch of China Nerin attended the conference in person, while related person from Metallurgy Business Unit and Jiangxi Nerin Equipment Co., Ltd. attended on line.

The Copper International Conference, co-hosted by 8 members including IIMCh (Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas de Chile), MetSoc (Metallurgy & Materials Society), TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), GDMB (Society of German Metal Workers and Miners), NFSoc (The Nonferrous Metals Society of China), etc., covers 9 subjects such as mineral processing, pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, electrolysis, and sustainable development.

During the conference, Mr. Wang Wei, on behalf of NFSoc and China Nerin, made a keynote speech on The Development of Cu Pyro-Metallurgy Technology in China. He mainly introduced the history of copper pyrometallurgy in China, as well as the innovation of copper smelting technology in China, and then looked ahead the future development of copper smelting technology in China. Mr. Tu Jianhua, Mr. Tang Bin, Mr. Huang Jianfei and Mr. Zhang Haibao made special reports on copper metallurgical technology respectively.

Mr. Wang Wei, Chief Marketing and Operations Officer in Metallurgy, making a keynote speech

On the conference, the team of China Nerin had in-depth discussions over cut-edging technologies and development directions of copper metallurgy with Minister Mercela Hernando from Ministry of Mining in Chile, Representative Carlos Ulloa of Ministry of Mining in Chile in Atacama, parties concerned from the Chilean Copper Commission, Corporación Nacionaldel Cobre de Chile (Codelco), Empresa Nacional de Mineria (Enami), Anglo American plc., etc. They thought highly of China Nerin's copper metallurgical technologies and its role in the world copper industry, and expected to work hand in hand with China Nerin for more contributions to copper metallurgy development.

COPPER 2022 has promoted exchanges between China Nerin and the Chilean government, world-leading industrial societies, the counterparts, strengthened China Nerin's presence in the global copper industry, and injected a positive impetus to the further expansion in the copper metallurgy market.
